Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday night and I'm feeling fine

I think that's a song, but I'm not sure which one.

I have a lot of music and songs going through my head at any given moment, but I don't always know if it's actual songs. Does that make me crazy? I mean just that by itself, not taken in with all my other idiosyncracies.

Speaking of idiosyncracies. Here's some fun photos of my kids being weird.

I wonder where they get THAT from?

Isn't this a cute picture of Memsy? We made her halloween costume together. This was taken last year, but I just found it again and I had to share.

These are blackmail photos of my buddy for when he gets older.

Why is the theme from Zoolander running through my head?

Is there a theme from the movie "Zoolander?"

I didn't really try, but I've got one of those chains going...

You know...use the last word in the first word of the next sentence?

except it's a picture, and it's backwards. get what I mean...right?

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