In between, we got the kitten snipped and clipped (no more claw marks in my leg!), rescheduled a bazillion doctor's appointments (new insurance!) started soccer (for my little buddy) booked a hotel room and filled out all the new hire paperwork, got the car ready for the drive to Chicago and got sucked into a cool new computer game ("Spore").
So I've kinda neglected my online friends and family completely and I thought before I get whisked away into the craziness that accompanies a new job, I'd pop in to give a quick update and post some old photos that I 'finessed' in photoshop recently. I'm working on some for my new office, since I ended up giving away all the pictures in my old one office to the people that helped keep me sane over the last few years. It was kind of cool that so many people were excited to get one of my photos (matted and framed no less) and funny that so many others asked..."have those been hanging in your office this whole time? " I ended up giving away a lot of my resources that I have collected from my numerous previous 'engagements' to people who I have hope will one day get to stretch their wings and fly away from there, too.

I don't really know for sure what my new job will entail. It's a newly created position, for a new cutting edge marketing software application that I will be responsible for developing and managing. I DO know that the position I was hired for was titled "Interactive Producer/Project Manager" on the Position Description, but not sure if that will be the title on my new business cards or what. I DO know that I'm hiring in at the manager level (which means coaching/leadership responsibilities-cool! ... scary!)
AND I get a corporate credit card, a laptop and a trip to Chicago this Monday and Tuesday for new hire orientation. The company is a mid-sized auditing and consulting company right in downtown GR, and they believe in 'quality' of work, not just time spent in the office. They (we, now!) refer to employees as 'Talent" and promote an environment that supports work/life balance, offers extensive training and development opportunities and measures employee 'passion' as part of a formal talent development program.
so, Yes...I'm totally stoked!
(to use an old so.cal term, in honor of my new boss, who works remotely from L.A.!)
I also got a signing bonus (hee hee), which I'm planning to use some of to get a macro lens for my DSLR so I can start taking photos of my jewelry (Original Wearable Art) and hopefully get my online jewelry business up and running. (oh and DEFINITELY buying a couple pair of NEW shoes!)
I plan on being pretty busy this next few weeks, if not months, and I will probably not get to devote time this fall to getting the petition for CLUCK up and running (City of L.....Urban Chicken Keepers), so I'll wrap up this post with a photo in honor of the Kent Street FOUR....

your new job sounds like a dream... I'm so happy for ya!
What beautiful photos!!!
Congratulations on the new job!!
I wrote a story start on the blog today. I would love your opinion of it. Something tells me that you could come up with the perfect title for the thing.
Lovin' those chicken butts!!!
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